Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The great (baby) debate

The great (baby) debate.

As I start back blogging about my life as the anti-missus, I thought I would hit on a subject that has been coming up A LOT lately….


Not just any babies, MY babies. Well, really my hypothetical ones.

Family, friends, and random people have been mentioning to DH (dear husband) and I that they want us to have kids.


When people tell me these things, I feel like saying “ok, well let me got on that right now” or “I’ll let you know when I decide to start having sex on purpose”.  I mostly brush it off with “I have dogs” or my favorite “I’m too selfish to have a kid right now’

Don’t get me wrong, I love kids (well, the ones that are related to me mostly), but I have always said that I want to live before I get strapped to a stroller and baby bag for 2-3 years.

When I’m in stores and I hear a baby somewhere screaming, my ovaries hurt. When I see a kid run past me with no “excuse me”, I want to trip them. How can I take care of a baby 24 hours a day when I can’t even stand to be around most of them for about 20 minutes?

Except L. L is my nephew. He is cute, bubbly, funny, AND he doesn’t stink. I like him. And the best thing about him is when I’m tired I can just pass him off to mi Hermana and I can sleep through the night which she cannot.

I feel at this point I am too selfish for a kid, as I would tell anyone who asks. I like to sleep in, cook tasty meals, go off on weekend camping trips, spend whole days in bed just playing video games, and going to tasty restaurants with DH whenever I want. With dogs, I can put them in the back yard or barricade them in the back of the house and if I do that with a kid I would get reported. DH and I don’t get to see each other enough as it is, and I am very stingy with our time together.

But, when people start bringing up the “B” word, I do start to wonder, is it time? Or is this society telling me that because I’ve been married almost 2 years and I’m 24 that I should start producing babies on a regular basis now? It seems like every time I get on Facebook another person is pregnant, or someone’s just popped one out. I do tend to feel left out. DH and I talk about the “B” subject sometimes for fun. Like we know that when we have a baby we won’t find out the sex until the birth and that we want twin boys. We know that our first boy will be named Parker Jerome, and if we have a girl she’ll probably be Hattie Ellen. But, I don’t think it would be fair to bring a baby into this world if I can’t give it the best life possible, and at this point I couldn’t. I believe that when God wants me to have a baby I will know when it’s time, and I will probably start liking kids more (hopefully).  I’ve asked God to send me an angel in a dream to let me know when it’s time like the OG Mary, but the jury is still out.

But one day, maybe soon maybe not, I will welcome a baby into this world with the love, support, and geekery that it deserves. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh boy, it's about to get wild in here

This weekend my ma and I threw my sister Anna a baby shower. My sister is currently baking a complex human being, and he will be ready sometime in the beginning of August. We decided to have a couples shower because: a. they are fun, b. boys are fun, c. Jason needs something too, so that's what we did.

Family at the shower

One of the funniest and funnest part of the shower was the "Diaper Change Race" that we had with some of the boys. Daddy-to-be, Scott, and one of our good friends David, all had to change a baby doll's diaper to see who could do it the fastest. Little did they know, we filled the diapers with chocolate pudding before hand. There was leg wrenching, gagging, football-like holding, neck holding, and baby killing. It was funny, and messy, and awesome

It's times like these that remind me of how important family is. It's easy to get into routines when you have busy lives and schedules, but I think there needs to be time when you can just meet up with those you are most comfortable with and have a good time. Don't get me wrong, there are members of my family that I don't feel comfortable about at all. But those are the people you save for Christmas and Thanksgiving ;). It also makes me feel good to see Scott being able to feel that comfortable around my family. When we started dating he felt really awkward around my family. We are loud, we our outspoken, we are large, and he couldn't handle it well. But over the years, he has learned to appreciate those aspects of my family. He knows my family will accept him no matter what he does, what he looks like, or what he likes. That's the great thing about my family, we accept everyone. My family is large and eclectic, so you have to accept everyone or you accept no one.

So children, the lesson of the day is this: Make family with whoever you wish, and then cherish them. Spend time with them, because you don't know how long you have. And also, it makes for good gossip when everyone goes home.

Scott and I at the shower

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

In the quest to get to know me I think it's important to learn what I hold closest to my heart and with out a doubt, it's my pets.

As I've mentioned before, we are the human's of 3 dogs and a cat. I wanted to spend some time introducing them because I will probably talk about them A LOT.

Bailey is our first pup. He's almost 7 years old and he's the old man of the house. Our family got him from the pound a couple of weeks after my dad died when he was 5 weeks old. Bailey is lazy, energetic, and neurotic, all at the same time. His favorite thing is to be on the back of the couch asleep, and that is where you will find him most of the time. He loves to play tug of war but hates playing fetch. He also hates to be outside. 

Lola was our first dog as a couple. We got her about 2 years after Bailey, and she also came from the pound. Her name is Lola because, like the song says, she "walks like a woman but talks like a man". She's the biggest, loudest, baby I have ever seen. She loves to sit next to you and lick you constantly, which can get annoying. Lola has some medical issues, she has hip dysplasia and arthritis as now set in. She also gets swimmer's tail easily. She is also the mother of the pack, she is constantly getting on to the other dogs when they start fighting, and when Hank was paralyzed she helped take care of him. 

Hanky Panky is the baby of the family. Scott and I found him in our back yard a month after we got married. He had visible signs of abuse, and I fell in love with him right away. Our neighbor said that they found him in a thunderstorm in the middle of the street and they went around to the near by houses and were told that his owners just left him, so we took him. Shortly after we got him, he went paralyzed. He had no idea what was wrong with him, and the neurologist didn't give him much hope. But after a a month of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, Hank slowly but surely began to walk again. During this time Scott was working long hours, so it was up to me to hold Hank up to go potty, eat, and drink. Because of this, Hank and I became extremely close, and we still are. Hank is also Lola's baby and best friend. The are constantly cuddling or playing. 

LJ is our kitteh. She has been in the family longer than anyone. She's about 8 years old. She is a ferrel cat and was born with out a tail. LJ is the toughest/sweetest cat in the world. She is known around our neighborhood because she likes to follow the dogs being walked and clean their faces while they go potty. But on the other hand, she has a love for killing birds and leaving them on the front porch. She's been known to grab them mid-flight! She took Lola in when she was a pup and taught her many things, like how to play. She also won't eat unless you come watch her, which is annoying when you're trying to do something else. 

So those are our animals. They can be loud, rowdy, destructive, and down right annoying, but I also can't think of my home with out them. My animals are always happy to see me, even when I look like crap. They are also there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or a pillow that snuggles back. I always say "they're the reason I don't need kids", and that's very true. My animal's take up much of my time, and to me they are my children, shedding hair and all. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recipe time!

If there is one thing about staying home I love, it's cooking. I love eating food, thinking about food, watching shows about food, everything about food.

When searching for new recipes, I tend to use my "All Recipe" app on my iPad. You can sort recipes by what you have on had, and it has loads of options (what ethnicity, 86 some things, and what mode of cooking you plan to do). I also find recipes on a lot. This isn't for those really looking to watch the waist though, as one would assume, all of their recipes contain one of their products. 

One of Scott and my favorite heavy, hearty, rich meals is the "Chicken with Creamy Corn and Potatoes" recipe 
The link to this recipe is:

For those of you like me, some recipes can be simplified A LOT. Listed below is how I altered the recipe to fit my needs. 

The recipe is as follows:

1/2 cup Homemade Italian Dressing
4 small  boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
1 lb. Red Potatoes, quatered
1 small  onion, chopped1 and 1/2 can mexicorn
1 cup chicken broth1 can  (15-1/4 oz.) corn, drained
4 oz.  (1/2 of 8-oz. pkg.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, cubed (or your local cheapo brand) 
That way, you've cut your ingredients list almost in half, and you've saved a few bucks too. 
This is also my Italian dressing recipe. The seasoning mix makes more than you need, so I keep the extras in a baggy so whenever I need the dressing, I just whip up a batch. It also makes a great Christmas present!Recipe:

Monday, June 27, 2011

In this blog.

In this blog I will post my mess-ups, yummy recipes, and other tips for all those ant-missuses out there. It will probably be boring to most, but whatevs, I didn't do it for you anyways. ;)

The beginning

Recently I quit my long term job, which could be a good or bad thing whichever way you want to look at it, I guess. Being able to be at home leaves one the opportunity to contemplate things that before you didn’t have time to. In the course of quitting my job, I became a temporary *shudder* housewife. This is a term that a couple of months ago would have sent me on a tangent about feminism and the liberation of women, but as I sit here now, working on school and waiting on my husband to get off work, I feel a little at peace. I have realized over this short time of being unemployed that what you do doesn’t define you. I am still the sarcastic, slightly cynical, tomboy I was when I had a job. I didn’t miraculously become Holly Homemaker with a pink dress and fixed hair.  I do get up and cook for my husband every day, I do clean the house, but I also am completing my bachelor’s degree, I have started an organization with my mother and sister, and I play one mean game of Call of Duty. I think one reason I decided to start this blog is sort of therapy for me, I can get ideas and thoughts off my chest that I normally wouldn’t be able to. Also, I think young women who have found themselves in my shoes, or thinking about following a path like mine, can find comfort and support knowing they are not alone. I want to paint a picture of life the way it really is, not roses and rainbows the way some people make it out to be. Life is a journey, and with that comes ups and downs, gains and losses, and I think it’s important for people to see the real picture.
This is my story. This is how I became the anti-missus.
Growing up I was raised in an intact household. Though my parents had issues, my mom stuck with my dad through thick and thin. My mother was a housewife, but not by choice. She has several disabilities and because of this she was able to stay home with my sister and I. She was the rock of my household and she was the one that held everything together. My father had issues with alcohol long before my sister and I showed up and it’s a battle he was never able to conquer. Because of this my mother had to look the other way often, but it also thrust her in the head of the household. My mother instilled in my sister and I early on that whatever you set your mind to, you can do it. I don’t remember much of my dad from my childhood, though I was a daddy’s girl he was away a lot working to support us. I loved my father more than anything and I wanted to spend every moment with him, it just wasn’t possible. My parents never pushed us to go to college, but they did push us to be successful. To my family, success is subjective; it’s what you make of it. My mother was able to assist in writing several laws pertaining to sex offenders, she worked for the FBI, and she was on the Maury Povich show (for a good reason, not a paternity test, lol,) all without receiving a college degree. During these times, my sister and I were in the front row watching everything. I remember waking up to FBI agents drinking coffee in the living room, having to be quiet in the bedroom because the news crew was there, and also trailing behind my mother at the capitol building which she fought for what is right. This shaped the way I viewed the world, I understood early on that life was not fair and that someone has to speak out for those who can’t.  My dad also instilled in us that when there is a need, you meet it. When someone is hungry, you feed them. After my 6th birthday, we had a lot of food left over so my dad loaded us up in the station wagon and took us under an overpass in Roebuck to eat dinner with a homeless man who wouldn’t have eaten that night otherwise. He was also the go-to man for the elderly in the neighborhood because they knew they could count on him to be there when their own kids were not.
The year I was 17 was one of the worst, most important turning points in my life. That year I lost my father, but I also met the person I ended up marrying. My father was a hard worker. He worked up to 90 hours a week to support my family but he also was an alcoholic, smoked, drank up to 4 pots of coffee in a day, and came from a family where early death from heart attacks was common. At the age of 48, my father passed away from a massive heart attack. At that moment I grew 20 years, and I also became the man of the family. My father left a void that can never be filled, he had a laugh that could brighten a room, a killer sense of humor, and he never hesitated helping someone in need. It took me a long time, and several failed tries to realize that I nothing could fill that void, and no amount of running could take away the pain.
But in October of that year I met a gangly, mop headed, shy guy named Scott Bowman. We knew each other since we were 9ish (he the Joseph to my Mary in the church x-mas program), but he was scared of me as a kid and then we lost touch when he moved away. We became good friends immediately. He was shy and quiet, and I was going through a weird stage. We were perfect for each other. To the disapproval of his parents, we began seeing each other (secretly). Fast forward almost 6 years, and we are still together, and I am his wife.
The one thing I want to point out to any young woman that reads this is RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT PERFECT. Scott and I are best friends, we finish each other’s sentences, we know what the other is thinking, but we also annoy each other more than anyone else. Our relationship was full of obstacles that a lot of relationships would have failed over, but we made it. We decided to get married at the ripe age of 20 and 22. Many gave us looks, started pregnancy rumors, and whispered behind our back. We had no money and no place to live, but we had each other. Our wedding was amazing, stressful, and the best time of my life. They really do mean it when they say you don’t remember your wedding, because I don’t.
Our first month of marriage…interesting. Our air conditioner went out, we adopted a dog that then went paralyzed, I destroyed my thank you card list as well as the ones I had already written, and I decided I didn’t make a good wife. I professed a long time ago I was born with no maternal instincts. I don’t caudle well, and I am too black and white. But you know what? I realized that’s ok. I realized that I will never be June Cleaver, I will settle with Roseanne Barr. Our life is anything but normal. But who said marriages have to be a certain way? Scott is my best friend, my confidant, my protector, and my partner in Army of Two.
So now fast forward another year. We are older, wiser, more broke, but happier than either of us has ever been. We are the proud humans of 3 dogs (Bailey, Lola, and Hank) and a cat (L.J). We have decided to hold off on having kids; we are going to finish raising each other first. We spend our weekends doing yard work, school work, and then killing zombies or watching the X-files. I will be finished with school in May with my bachelor’s in Psychology, and Scott is currently in school for yacht design. Our dream is to load up our animals and move on to a boat and sail away.
This is my Life. I am the anti-missus.